Here at Rambling’s I am a believer of supporting my fellow Beauty Bloggers. I think that if we support one another that we will give each

other a larger platform for success. No one starts  a beauty blog or any kind of blog and does not want to succeed. It is human nature to

want to be good at what we do and to be liked. I want to foster an environment here that helps my fellow bloggers in their personal journey

to success. Like wise I hope that my fellow bloggers will do the same for me and every blogger who desires support. Not every blogger is

at the same stage in there blogging career. I am sure there are many bloggers who no longer even need to seek support as their blogs are

get so much traffic on their own. That is awesome for them. I hope to one day be at that point myself..

In the meantime for all the men and women out there like myself I added a link Share area to my sidebar. Simply fill in the form and your link

will be in a prominent spot on my blog.This is my little way of helping support my fellow bloggers. If anyone has the same on their blog let me

know so I can add my link to yours…

Do you think this is a good idea? Do you share links on your blog ?